Monday, January 10, 2011

What is happening in this world?

I just don't understand what is going on in our world. Sunday's shooting in Arizona is a startling reminder that I can't make sense of the world. I am heartbroken for the families of the victims. I include the shooter here. What his family must be going through I can not even imagine. It leads me to the question that always seems to pop up when tragedies like this happen. When human beings decide to pick up a gun and take human lives for....well for reasons I can not begin to comprehend. That man is somebody's son. Some mama or daddy held him as a baby full of wonder and potential. An INNOCENT life. What happened from then to now??? I wish someone could answer that question for me, it terrifies me.
I HAVE to believe that he is a sick, sick man. No one in their right mind picks up a gun on a Sunday morning and just starts shooting people at the grocery store. Do they?? I need to believe that his mind is broken! I think it has to be.
But how does a mind break like that? What causes it? What can be done to prevent it.

I am basically just writing here in a stream of consciousness. I am letting it pour out of my troubled, tired mind. When you make the decision to have children, or find out you are pregnant with a new life, or when you look down at your newborn child your mind is overwhelmed with so many thoughts, and emotions. Inevitably you start to think about the world we live in and what it will look like for them in 10, 20, 50 years. It can be a scary thought. What will they have to deal with, what challenges and evils will they face. This of course is my glass half empty side that is writing tonight.
Because thankfully there is the other side. There is a magic, a wonder, a goodness that exists in this world as well. Some days it is just not as prevalent as others.

It is however always there. If we just look for it!! Perhaps I will go now and look...